Barrier-free parking is located in Breslin Center lot 126. Enter this lot from Shaw Lane. Parking in this area requires a valid state-issued disability placard and is first-come, first-served. The hanging disability permits prompter admittance. Please see the diagram of the lots.
If you do not have a state-issued disability parking placard, you may drop off guests with limited mobility on the north side of the Breslin Center (Kalamazoo Street).
The Breslin Center is a barrier-free facility. Wheelchair accessible areas (platforms) are on the Concourse level (the level at which you enter). Persons unable to climb stairs and wheelchair users should be seated in these areas. We ask that one individual in your party be seated with the person requiring wheelchair accessible seating. In order to accommodate all who require seating in the wheelchair accessible areas, we ask that all other members in your party are seated in the general seating areas. Seating in these platforms is first-come, first-served. Please arrive early so that accommodations may be met. If you require assistance locating the platforms, the Breslin Center ushers will direct you to those areas.
There are a very limited number of wheelchairs available. They are available on a first-come, first-served basis at Guest Services, Hall of History (southeast) entrance, Concourse level. You must leave a valid driver's license (or other valid picture ID) to use a wheelchair. Wheelchairs are for transportation only from the parking lot into the facility and to the seating areas. Please do not use the wheelchairs for seating. Once you have transported your guest to seating, please return the wheelchair to Guest Services for others to use. Following the ceremony, you may use the wheelchair again. You must leave your driver's license again and return the wheelchair to Guest Services after use.
Assistive Listening Devices (Phonic Ear headsets and receivers) are available at Guest Services, Hall of History (southeast) entrance, Concourse level. You must leave a valid driver's license or valid picture ID to use the headsets. The Loop System is available in permanent seating areas.
Open captioning is available for the deaf or hard of hearing.
Sign Language Interpreters (by request only) - Please contact the commencement office at no later than April 7, 2025. Please provide your name and contact information.
Early arrival is strongly suggested for those who have special accommodation needs and who are seeking barrier-free parking. The DOORS OPEN 1 HOUR prior to the ceremony start time (with the exceptions of the Master's Degrees and Social Science ceremonies, which open one hour and15 minutes prior).
For disability accommodation questions, please contact the Breslin Center at (517) 432-1989.
Please park in the Wharton Center Ramp (Ramp 3). See campus map. Barrier free parking and the elevator is at each level. The entrance to the Wharton Center is at level two.
Wharton Center is a barrier-free facility. However, wheelchair platforms and seating without steps is limited. In order to accommodate the high volume of requests, we ask that the person with mobility challenges and one other guest be seated in those areas, and that the remainder of your party is seated in general seating. To reserve seating for persons with mobility challenges or other disability requests such as seating in front of the open captioning, please call (517) 884-3116, Monday, April 28 - Wednesday, April 30.
Real-time captioning will be available. For students and guests who require an interpreter for the deaf, please contact the commencement office at or (517) 353-3993 by Monday, April 7, 2025. To reserve seating for those requiring an interpreter, please call (517) 884-3116.