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Senior Class Council Memo


Baccalaureate Degree Candidates

Spring Semester 2024

Friday, March 15, 2024 at 5:00 P.M.

Dear Graduating Senior:

Thank you for showing an interest in representing the Class of 2024 at the Spring Convocation, on Friday, April 26, 1:00 p.m., in the Jack Breslin Student Events Center. Spring Convocation is the first ceremony of the commencement weekend. This ceremony is open to all baccalaureate degree candidates from all colleges. Please use the following guidelines for your speech and the application. 

Your speech should be attention-grabbing, personally meaningful, thought-provoking, engaging, and no longer than 4-5 minutes. It should embody the unique experiences we share as Spartans. You should capture the essence of what we will be soon—Michigan State University graduates. As commencements are a time to celebrate your academic achievements, it is very important to include academic experiences in your speech. Consider including important study abroad lessons, the significant impact of a professor or a class, a reading that inspired you/influenced you, an internship, and/or other experiences related to earning your degree. 

Your application must be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m., Friday, March 15, 2024 and needs to include a copy of your speech and a document listing all extracurricular activities, work experiences, and honors and awards (a resume is also acceptable).

The selection committee will read every speech and application submitted. After review, some of the applicants will be notified to schedule an interview/presentation of their speech. These applicants will be notified by telephone or email by Thursday, March 21st. The interviews/presentations will be Monday March 25th-Wednesday March 27th. All interviewees will be notified of selection status no later than Monday, April 1st. 

If you have questions or need additional information, please contact the Commencement Office at

Good Luck and Congratulations,

Senior Class Council Commencement Committee